The Service Commitment

To achieve certification participants are expected to complete 20 hours of accredited service within the specified calendar. Hours completed but insufficient to achieve certification do not carry over into subsequent years. We will work with participants to set up appropriate, fulfilling, meaningful, and enjoyable service opportunities. In order to qualify, service work must clearly promote the cause of combating or adapting to climate change. To be accepted as counting towards the requirement, service activities must and be approved by the MCP Program Coordinator before being undertaken. The intent is that to count as Service activities, participants will engage others and help them understand both what they can do, and the relevant science related to those actions. We recognize that participants may also wish to increase their knowledge in order better to assist others. To this end, classes undertaken (beyond the Master Climate Protector course) can count as service, but 2 hours of instruction count as 1 hour of Service. To obtain approval for ideas not on the list, email

Possible service opportunities are being developed, but may include selections from the following:

  1. Tabling at specific events such as Earth Day, July 4th, Master Gardener Spring Sale, or at growers markets, grocery stores etc.
  2. Presentations, (school or other community groups/organizations)
  3. Working on SOCAN Projects
  4. Representing the Master Climate Protector Program at the SOCAN leadership circle meetings
  5. Attending School Board, City Council and County Commission meetings
  6. Attending or giving testimony at a relevant hearings or forum
  7. Writing letters to the editor of newspapers or op-ed columns
  8. Writing letters/giving feedback to businesses and corporations about their environmental practices
  9. Seeking elective office or appointment to local boards & commissions
  10. Working with individuals, groups, or businesses to help them reduce their carbon footprint. (Example: Neighborhood group)
  11. Research and share some aspect of climate change
  12. Developing questions and answers for the Wheel of Change that is used at events.
  13. Work with others to create a parade entry such as July 4th
  14. Promote the use of Lend-Me-A-Plate
  15. Contribute to the MCP facebook page
  16. Develop a Podcast
  17. Work with local media personalities to cover different aspects of SOCAN or MCP in their reports (e.g. Jeff Golden and Immense Possibilities)