MCP Terrestrial (Land Based) Natural Systems Resources

(updated 03/16/2023)



Climate Emergency: Feedback Loops – #2 Forests. Video (14:10)

Climate Emergency: Feedback Loops – #3 Permafrost. Video (10:55)

Forest Scientist Paul Hessburg TED Talk on Megafires (2017) (14:02)


OCCRI 2019 Fourth Oregon Climate Assessment Report

Fifth Oregon Climate Assessment (2021) Dalton, M., and E. Fleishman, editors. Oregon Climate Change Research Institute, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.

U.S. Global Change Research Program 2017 Climate Science: Special Report – Fourth National Climate Assessment Report Volume I  

U.S. Global Change Research Program 2018 Fourth National Climate Assessment Report- Volume II: Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States

Project Drawdown Sector: Land Sinks

Connections to Project Regeneration

Afforestation, Boreal Forests, Degraded Land Restoration, Fire Ecology, Grasslands, Insect Extinction, Peatlands, Pollinators, Proforestation, Tropical Forests, Wildlife Corridors

Information related to Key Questions

Key Question 1 -How do organisms respond to variations in environmental climatic conditions (temperature & precipitation) and how might projected trends influence them?

The Rise of the Crazy Ants (Dina Fine Maron, Scientific American

Tiny Pikas Seem To Be On March Toward Extinction In Great Basin; Climate Change, Human Factors Likely Culprits (December 29, 2005) University of Washington, Science Daily

Latest Census Finds More American Pika Populations Disappear As Climate Warms (December 21, 2004) World Wildlife Fund, ScienceDaily

Key Question 3 – What are the critical interactions between forests and climate?
Is this the end of forests as we’ve known them? (March 10, 2021) Alastair Gee, Guardian News

A Restoration Framework for Federal Forests in the Pacific Northwest (Oct 15, 2012) Jerry F. Franklin and K. Norman Johnson, Society of American Foresters

Oregon Climate Assessment Report December 2010

Plant Species and Climate Profile Predictions (Last Modified: 03/13/2022) USDA Forest Service – RMRS – Moscow Forestry Sciences Laboratory (Site currently under reconstruction. Please check back.)

U.S. Forest Carbon and Climate Change Controversies and Win-Win Policy Approaches (2007) Ann Ingerson, The Wilderness Society

Carbon feedback from forest soils to accelerate global warming (October 5, 2017) Marine Biological Laboratory, Science Daily

Preparing for Climate Change in the Rogue River Basin of Southwest Oregon (2008) Prepared by The Resource Innovation Group, Geos Institute, USDA Forest Service, PNW Research Station

Key Question 4 -What is carbon sequestration and how does it vary among natural systems?

A Restoration Framework for Federal Forests in the Pacific Northwest (2012) Franklin JF and Johnson KN, J of Forestry 110(8):429 – 439

Key Question 5 – What are the national and regional trends and projections for wildfire and why is this important?

Climate Change Set the Conditions for Oregon Fires. Did it Stoke the Flames, Too? (Sept 21, 2020) Jes Burns, Oregon Public Broadcasting

Rising Temps, Shrinking Snowpack Fuel Western Wildfires (July 11, 2013) Alyson Kenward, Climate Central

X-ray technology reveals California’s forests are in for a radical transformation (Oct 20, 2015) Thomas Curwen,

We won’t stop California’s wildfires if we don’t talk about climate change (August 8, 2018) Editorial Board, Washington Post

Climate-Smart Conservation: Putting Adaptation Principles into Practice. (2014) Stein, B.A., P. Glick, N. Edelson, and A. Staudt (eds.). National Wildlife Federation, Washington, D.C

Rogue Basic Cohesive Forest Management Strategy (June 2017) The Nature Conservancy and Southern Oregon Forest Restoration Collaborative